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Our Services

All services can be performed in office in Charlotte Hall, Maryland, *in-home, virtually or over the phone. If cost is a concern feel free to contact me and I will do my best to work with you (consideration will be given on a case by case basis)

*Extra charge

for in-home visits depending on distance. 

​**Contact for pricing on Group Guided Meditations & Reiki Services for Wellness Event services.  

Mediumship Reading


Receive messages from your Angels, Spirit Guides, and loved ones from the other side. 


My goal is to be able to provide you with proof of your loved ones presence so as to leave no question that they are with you. However, as always, spirit is in complete control of who comes through and what messages they want to give. My biggest hope is that your loved ones will assist me in giving you a sense of peace and comfort. (Also offering 30 minute sessions for $100)


Individual House Parties 15-20 minutes/$80 per person (Minimum of 5 people Max 8 Dependant on Location)

Intuitive Guidance Reading


This has become one of my most popular services, with clients from near and far scheduling sessions with me. During this reading, clients will be able to receive intuitive guidance from your guides and angels on your current life situations regarding love, career, finances, relationships etc. Only for those with an open mind, as spirit doesn’t tell us what we want to hear, but what we need to hear!  (Also available are 30 minute sessions for $90) 


Individual House Parties 15-20 minutes/$80 per person (Minimum of 5 people Max 8 Dependant on Location) 


Energy Healing/Reiki

$111 (1) Hour Session
(3) Session Package $280

As an energy healer, I am able to channel universal energy to flow to the recipient on every level (mind, body, spirit). I’m trained and certified as a Reiki Master Teacher and have also studied and received other various certifications under multiple Medicine Men/Women and Shamans over the last 12 years.  Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) Is a Japanese alternative healing modality using "universal life energy" channeled through the practitioner to the recipient using various hand placements on or near the body. I may incorporate many techniques as intuitively guided during a healing session for the greatest benefit of the recipient.  These may include Ira’ku (pronounced Ear-ah-koo) a Ancient Mayan Healing technique, crystal grids, sound vibrations (drumming, singing bowl, rattles), chakra balancing, color therapy, chants, tuning forks, pendulums, meditations, affirmations etc. Sessions can work wonders for the recipient, and at the very least promote a very relaxed state, much like after receiving a massage. Sessions may promote the following benefits: clears balances the energies (chakras) in the body as well as the organs and glands, treats symptoms/causes of illness, relieves pain/clears toxins, enhances personal awareness, relaxes and reduces stress, releases blocked and suppressed feelings, aids meditation and positive thinking.

House Cleansing/Smudging & Blessing

$250/Approx 1.5 hours

(Dependent on House size/location)

Smudging involves burning sacred herbs such as white sage, cedar etc to cleanse, purify, and bless people, places, and objects with concentrated prayer and intent. I intuitively connect into the space to be cleansed along with it's inhabitants and report the findings upon completion.  Incorporating drumming and Reiki into the process further helps to remove any residual dense energies and promotes a deeper lasting peace and balance in your home.

Single Question Tarot Card Reading


This reading is intended to answer one specific question, or  one general “what do I need to know” question by intuitively interpreting a tarot card from one of my decks.

(240) 466-4441

Charlotte Hall MD United States 20622

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